It is now or never time:
Politicians must commit to revamped Football Bill…

THERE is no doubt that football is broken. The Football Governance Bill represents an opportunity to fix the game once for all.

We need a Bill that will tackle the growing financial inequality in the game, that ensures the regulator is truly independent, and rewards well run clubs.

It is now up to the new Labour Government to deliver a fairer future for football.

We urge you to reach out to your local MP and call on them to back Fair Game’s proposed changes and deliver a Bill that is truly fit for purpose.

Below is a step by step guide on how to reach out to your new MP…

Step 1:

Find your seat

Firstly find your constituency. Simply put your postcode into this website and the full details of the seat where you can vote in will appear

Step 2:

Find your local MP

The list of all MPs can be found here. By clicking on the pictures you will find their email addresses and X (Twitter) handles

Step 3:

Draft a response

Fair Game have created a template for you to use. Cut and paste it from here. Do add in your own thoughts as well and then add in your own address

Step 4:

Contact them

Once you have drafted your response, send it to them and please cc in On X (Twitter) add @fairgameuk

The Independent Football Regulator Bill

With the Bill of legislation to appoint an Independent Football Regulator (IFR) having been presented in Parliament, now is the time to shape the future of the game we love.

Football is in crisis in the UK. Over half of the top 92 clubs in the English football pyramid are technically insolvent, dozens are on the brink of survival. Yet, football remains the richest sport in the UK. It is time to reboot the game and Fair Game is bringing together clubs to call for change.

A growing band of football clubs striving to change the game for the better

Fairness, Sustainability and Success

In the wider interests of football


Who we are

Fair Game is a fast-growing band of clubs campaigning to improve football governance. Supported by over 40 world-renowned academics, we are backed by politicians across the country and we are committed to providing realistic solutions to the challenges football faces. We want to see football governed with fairness, openness and transparency at its core. Clubs have faced unprecedented challenges just to survive in recent years, with notable casualties. Communities deserve better, and Fair Game’s work is sorely needed.

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About Us

Football is the richest sport in the UK, yet club after club faces extinction, putting at risk jobs and communities, and threatening generations of supporters. Fair Game offers practical solutions for ensuring it is run in the wider interests of football. It is key that levelling up is extended to football and we start to reward hard-working well-run clubs through the Sustainability Index. Fair Game is proud to campaign for change.

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Fair Game is nothing without you

Together we are strong

Our Principles are ambitious and we do not hide from that. To succeed we need the very best minds to help us. We currently need: fundraisers, lobbyists and engagement officers


Take Action


Spread the word


There is nothing more important that profile when it comes to delivering change. Help spread the word

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Contact your MP


To deliver change we need political support. Ask them to commit to back Fair Game and the Fan-Led Review

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Contact a club


Fair Game already has a number of great clubs in its fold. Help us grow and add numbers

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Call your council


Fair Game is a big advocate of community work and we want all Councils to become Fair Game Councils

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Football needs rebooting to protect clubs and communities, ensuring the Government plays its part to encourage clubs to be run sustainably and engage supporters. Find out more about our work.